The Repertory of Mitigation Measures for National Soil Protection

ReNDiS is an information system developed by the Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) aiming at realizing a homogeneous database of the measures and resources committed to soil protection and risk mitigation. The system is shared and systematically updated among the public administrations involved in planning and carrying out implementation of the related actions.

ReNDiS started in 2005 and originated from the operational monitoring on-field activities that ISPRA already performed, on behalf of the Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection of Italy, on the measures for hydrogeological risk mitigation funded by the Ministry itself. Thanks to its particular origin, ReNDiS is today the only national monitoring system that, in addition to administrative, financial and economic data, also provides users with a systematic information on type of hydrogeological instability, technical classification of the works, geo referred data and, moreover, allows access to projects documentation of the measures realized.

Information acquisition is based on direct feed (via web interface) by the different subjects involved in implementing each action and can be performed by each one of them, independently from each other.

For further details:

  • Information on the action
  • Information on the associated lots
  • Georeferencing of the actions
  • Economic framework of the project
  • Types of instabilities, lithologies and works made
  • Classification of instabilities and soil protection works (in SKOS format)

example of query

[execute query] – Projects including at least one type of work of the landslide type – reinforcement works

PREFIX ispra: <>
PREFIX skos: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?intervento 
?lot ispra:isLotOf ?intervento. 
?repair ispra:repairRelatedTo ?lot; 
  ispra:repairType ?Concept. 
?Concept skos:broader ?BroaderConcept.
FILTER(regex(str(?BroaderConcept), 'sostegnosf*', 'i'))
LIMIT 1000

[execute query] – Projects including at least one type of work of the hydraulic type – flood lamination and control

PREFIX ispra: <>
PREFIX skos: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?intervento 
?lot ispra:isLotOf ?intervento. 
?repair ispra:repairRelatedTo ?lot; 
  ispra:repairType ?Concept. 
?Concept skos:broader ?BroaderConcept.
FILTER(regex(str(?BroaderConcept), 'opere-di-difesa-e-laminazione-pienesi*', 'i'))
LIMIT 1000

[execute query] – Costs of the construction sites started in 2020 divided into phases of implementation up to now

PREFIX ispra: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX dcterm: <>
PREFIX skispraihi:   <>
PREFIX rdf: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?lotto ?LotStep ?date ?seqPh ?phase ?importoLotto
?LotStep ispra:lot ?lotto; 
ispra:hasStep ?stepType; 
dc:date ?date. 
?lotto ispra:hasEconomicIndicator ?ei. 
?ei dcterm:type skispraihi:_l_importo_lotto; 
rdf:value ?importoLotto
OPTIONAL {?stepType ispra:sequencePhase ?seqPh}.
OPTIONAL {?stepType ispra:phase ?phase}.

FILTER (?seqPh >= 180).
FILTER (str(?date) >= "2020") .
ORDER BY ?lotto ?date
