The National Data Buoy Network

The National Data Buoy Network (RON) is ISPRA’s system for wave motion detection, made up of a network of 15 measure stations located at fixed points along the national coasts to collect data which, duly processed, characterize sea state. The descriptive parameters derive from the continuous observation of variations in sea surface through directional buoys and are processed at regular time intervals after the definition in no. 702 guideline “Guide to wave analysis and forecasting” from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

The publication of the RON dataset on the Linked ISPRA portal, in Linked Open Data technology, will initially concern two indicators useful to select notable events as well as the four main synthetic parameters, which are extracted from the RON archive from 2009 to 2014, with the purpose of defining the sea state. The publication will be successively extended to all available periods and, progressively, to the other parameters and indexes. As soon as the monitoring network is reactivated, the distribution of real-time data detected will be provided. Validation level of each released parameter is defined by the related metadata.

For further details:

History and evolution of the National Data Buoy Network


  • Significant wave height (Hm0);
  • Mean period (Tm);
  • Peak period (Tp);
  • Mean direction (Dir);
  • Monthly maximum of significant wave height (“indicator”);
  • Direction associated to the monthly maximum of significant wave height (“indicator”).


[execute query] – Wave data in Monopoli station in 2014

PREFIX ispra-top: <>
PREFIX ispra-emf: <>

SELECT DISTINCT str(?ym) as ?YearMonth ?url
#### Define Parameter, Station Name and Period

?obs a ispra-emf:ObservationSeries;
  ispra-emf:isObservationMadeBySensor ?sen;
  ispra-emf:hasObservationParameter ?obp;
  ispra-top:atTime ?tim;
  ispra-top:hasMedia ?med.

?med ispra-top:hasDownloadURL ?url.
?sen ispra-emf:isHostedBy ?plt.

# Parameter
?obp rdfs:label "Wave".

# Station Name
?plt  ispra-top:name "Monopoli".

# Period
?tim ispra-top:time ?ym.
FILTER (?ym >= "2014-01"^^xsd:gYearMonth && ?ym <= "2014-12"^^xsd:gYearMonth)
} ORDER by ?ym

[execute query] – Wave data from RON dataset in Monopoli in 2022

PREFIX ispra-top: <>
PREFIX ispra-emf: <>

SELECT DISTINCT str(?ym) as ?YearMonth ?url
#### Define Dataset Parameter, Station Name and Period

?obs a ispra-emf:ObservationSeries;
  ispra-emf:isObservationMadeBySensor ?sen;
  ispra-emf:hasObservationParameter ?obp;
  ispra-top:atTime ?tim;
  ispra-top:isPartOf ?col1;
  ispra-top:hasMedia ?med.

?col1   ispra-top:isPartOf ?col2.
?col2   ispra-top:isPartOf ?dts.

# Dataset
?dts rdfs:label "RON Dataset".

?med ispra-top:hasDownloadURL ?url.
?sen ispra-emf:isHostedBy ?plt.

# Parameter
?obp rdfs:label "Wave".

# Station Name
?plt  ispra-top:name "Monopoli".

# Period
?tim ispra-top:time ?ym.
FILTER (?ym >= "2022-01"^^xsd:gYearMonth && ?ym <= "2022-12"^^xsd:gYearMonth)
} ORDER by ?ym
