The National Tide Gauge Network

The National Tide Gauge Network (RMN) is made up of 36 measure stations, evenly distributed across the national territory and located mainly inside the port infrastructures.
All stations are equipped with a local system for data management and storage while at ISPRA’s headquarters in Rome there is a real-time data transmission device (UMTS).
In addition, in 9 strategic stations for measurement of particular phenomena (anomalous waves) there is a second data transmission system via IRIDIUM satellite, which ensures connection also in the case of a UMTS blackout.
Since the new National Tide Gauge Network has became fully operational, ISPRA can make available for users updated information related to historical series, real-time observations, data forecast for astronomical tide, data analysis for planning and scientific purposes.

The publication of RMN dataset on the Linked ISPRA portal will allow distribution of the real-time data detected in Linked Open Data technology.

For further details:


  • Sea Level (meters);
  • Water Temperature (degrees C);
  • Air Temperature (degrees C);
  • Humidity (%);
  • Atmospheric pressure (hPa);
  • Wind direction (degrees N);
  • Wind speed (m/s).


[execute query] – Air Pressure data in Adriatic Sea

PREFIX ispra-top: <https://w3id.org/italia/env/onto/top/>
PREFIX ispra-emf: <https://w3id.org/italia/env/onto/inspire-mf/>
PREFIX ispra-plc: <https://w3id.org/italia/env/onto/place/>

SELECT DISTINCT ?dataset ?station str(?ym) as ?YearMonth ?url
# Define Parameter and Sea
?obs a ispra-emf:ObservationSeries;
  ispra-emf:isObservationMadeBySensor ?sen;
  ispra-emf:hasObservationParameter ?obp;
  ispra-top:atTime ?tim;
  ispra-top:isPartOf ?col1;
  ispra-top:hasMedia ?med.

?col1   ispra-top:isPartOf ?col2.
?col2   ispra-top:isPartOf ?dts.

?dts rdfs:label ?dataset.

?med ispra-top:hasDownloadURL ?url.
?sen ispra-emf:isHostedBy ?plt.

# Parameter
?obp rdfs:label "AirPressure".

?plt  ispra-top:name ?station;
ispra-plc:hasFeature ?foi.

?foi ispra-top:isPartOf ?sea.

# Sea
?sea rdfs:label "Adriatic Sea"@en.

?tim ispra-top:time ?ym.
FILTER (?ym >= "2022-01"^^xsd:gYearMonth && ?ym <= "2022-03"^^xsd:gYearMonth)
} ORDER by ?dataset ?ym ?station

[execute query] – The Stations of the RON, RMN and RMLV networks

PREFIX ispra-top: <https://w3id.org/italia/env/onto/top/>
PREFIX ispra-emf: <https://w3id.org/italia/env/onto/inspire-mf/>
PREFIX geo: <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#>

str(?network) AS ?network str(?statname) AS ?statname ?stat ?lat ?long
?stat a ispra-emf:Platform;
  ispra-top:name ?statname ;
  geo:lat ?lat;
  geo:long ?long;
  ispra-emf:isPlatformOf / rdfs:label ?network .
FILTER (langMatches(lang(?network), "en"))
ORDER BY ?network ?statname

[execute query] – Data in Civitavecchia from 2009 to 2022

PREFIX ispra-top: <https://w3id.org/italia/env/onto/top/>
PREFIX ispra-emf: <https://w3id.org/italia/env/onto/inspire-mf/>

str(?station) AS ?station
str(?labelpar) as ?descparameter
#### You can define Parameter, Place and Period
#CSV RMN Columns: "BAR" = "Air pressure", "AT" = "Air temperature", "Level" = "Hydrometric level", "RH" = "Relative humidity", ("WS" = "Wind speed", "WD" = "Wind direction"), "WT" = "Water temperature"
#FILTER(str(?labelpar) = "AirPressure" OR str(?labelpar) = "AirTemperature" OR str(?labelpar) = "HydrometricLevel" OR str(?labelpar) = "RelativeHumidity" OR str(?labelpar) = "Wind" OR str(?labelpar) = "WaterTemperature")

#CSV RON Columns: "airPres" = "Air pressure", ("Hm0" = "Significant wave height", "Dir" = "Mean direction from which waves are coming", "Tm" = "Average wave period", "Tp" = "Spectral peak wave period"), "rh" = "Relative humidity", ("Vv" = "Wind speed", "Dv" = "Wind direction")
#FILTER(str(?labelpar) = "AirPressure" OR str(?labelpar) = "Wave" OR str(?labelpar) = "RelativeHumidity" OR str(?labelpar) = "Wind")

FILTER(str(?placelabel) = "Civitavecchia")
FILTER (?starttime >= "2009-01-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime && ?endtime <= "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z"^^xsd:dateTime)
GRAPH <https://w3id.org/italia/env/ld/rmn/>
#GRAPH <https://w3id.org/italia/env/ld/ron/>
#GRAPH <https://w3id.org/italia/env/ld/rmlv/>
?obseries ispra-emf:hasObservationParameter ?parameter;
  ispra-top:atTime ?timeinterval;
  ispra-top:isPartOf ?obscolltop;
  ispra-emf:isObservationMadeBySensor ?instrument;
  ispra-top:hasMedia ?media .
?timeinterval ispra-top:startTime ?starttime;
  ispra-top:endTime ?endtime .
?parameter rdfs:label ?labelpar .
?instrument ispra-emf:isHostedBy ?stat .
?stat rdfs:label ?station .
?media ispra-top:hasDownloadURL ?csvUrl .
?obscolltop ispra-top:isPartOf ?coll .
?coll ispra-top:isPartOf <https://w3id.org/italia/env/ld/rmn/dataset>;
#?coll ispra-top:isPartOf <https://w3id.org/italia/env/ld/ron/dataset>;
#?coll ispra-top:isPartOf <https://w3id.org/italia/env/ld/rmlv/dataset>;
  ispra-top:isCollectionOf ?place .
?place rdfs:label ?placelabel.
FILTER (langMatches(lang(?placelabel),"it"))
FILTER (langMatches(lang(?station),"it"))
ORDER BY ?csvUrl
